Sisteme de laborator - Sisteme de laborator modulare cu bănci mobile și cu roți.
The fact that the benches are wheeled and mobile in modular laboratory systems provides the advantage of easy access in a possible revision of electrical and water installations. Additionally, this feature provides great convenience during laboratory cleaning. Shelf Systems consist of service columns and a horizontal shelf with a service unit with the same physical properties. It is also a type of column made of sheet metal at various heights and a shelf system that is baked at 200 degrees after being coated with anti-acid epoxy paint. Service lines such as gas, water, and electricity coming from the service unit, ceiling, or floor are designed to be laid systematically. The front panels, on the other hand, are designed to move up and down independently of the body block, with the suspension system in front of the body block; main shut-off valves, electrical fuse boxes, switchgear, gas regulators, and similar breakers are mounted on these panels.